Washington's Cruisers Flag

Washington’s Cruisers Nylon Flag – $48.95

Washington’s Cruisers Nylon Flag – $48.95

Available Size: 3×5 ft

This Pine Tree banner was flown by the American Navy at its birth.  As the first American War vessels, a pair of floating batteries, were deployed against the British in Boston Bay, this was the flag they raised.  The Pine Tree had become a strong yet simple symbol of New England and the Colonies, and was well likely by Colonials, including General Washington.  The words “An Appeal to Heaven,” are in reference to a resolution by the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, which states, “Appealing to Heaven for the justice of our cause, we determine to die or be free.”

Product Specs

  • Size: 3x5 ft
  • Type: Nylon
  • Display Type: Outdoor

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